

前陣子在賣場上有看到一罐 學藝三路Frontier Natural Products, 有機香草豆,農場種植,整個,1豆哪裡優惠!!!
但一罐 學藝三路Frontier Natural Products, 有機香草豆,農場種植,整個,1豆哪裡優惠價格還蠻貴的,想說找一下原廠價格
後來我在這個網站找到 學藝三路Frontier Natural Products, 有機香草豆,農場種植,整個,1豆哪裡優惠發現居然比市售便宜好幾倍。
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找尋 學藝三路Frontier Natural Products, 有機香草豆,農場種植,整個,1豆哪裡優惠心得看這裡

產品概述 說明
  • USDA Organic
  • Kosher
  • Freshness Dated
  • Non-Irradiated
  • Certified Organic by QAI

Taste That Makes A Difference

We're committed to providing pure organic seasonings that taste great and promote a healthy planet.

Our premium quality certified organic vanilla beans are ideal for making your own vanilla extract. They are also perfect for flavoring liqueurs, beverages, sugar and baked goods.

It's hard to imagine a kitchen void of vanilla. Its full, rich, universally popular taste and enticing aroma is irreplaceable in cookies, cakes, custards, ice creams- almost every conceivable sweet- and a few savory dishes, too.


To use the bean, slice it lengthwise to expose the seeds (which contain most of the fragrance and flavor). Some recipes suggest scraping out the seeds, others direct you to use the whole slit pod. You can also grind the seed for use. To substitute whole beans for vanilla extract, use about one inch of the bean for each teaspoon of the extract.

Universally popular in desserts - cakes, cookies, puddings, candy, ice cream- vanilla also adds rich flavor and aroma to many beverages (mulled cider, coffee, tea, lemonade, hot chocolate, warm milk). Try it in sauces, soufflés, and in shellfish, chicken, veal and dairy dishes.

By the way... You can use a vanilla bean more than once. Simply rinse and dry it between uses. But don't store your vanilla beans in the refrigerator, because they may mold there; place it in a dry spot. A tasty option is to place your vanilla bean in a small container of sugar. The vanilla bean will lend its flavor and aroma to the sugar.

 學藝三路Frontier Natural Products, 有機香草豆,農場種植,整個,1豆哪裡優惠

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