

前陣子在賣場上有看到一罐 興雅路Frontier Natural Products, 藏紅花粉調料,0.018盎司(0.5克)合購!!!
但一罐 興雅路Frontier Natural Products, 藏紅花粉調料,0.018盎司(0.5克)合購價格還蠻貴的,想說找一下原廠價格
後來我在這個網站找到 興雅路Frontier Natural Products, 藏紅花粉調料,0.018盎司(0.5克)合購發現居然比市售便宜好幾倍。
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找尋 興雅路Frontier Natural Products, 藏紅花粉調料,0.018盎司(0.5克)合購心得看這裡

產品概述 說明
  • All-Natural
  • Kosher
  • Freshness Dated
  • Non-Irradiated

Taste That Makes A Difference

You can feel good about the superior flavor of Frontier seasonings. We source our spices from growers committed to quality, sustainability and ethical trade.

The world's most expensive spice, saffron threads are painstakingly hand-picked. For a pungent, delicate flavor and rich yellow color, crumble saffron into breads, soups, seafood sauces and paellas. When adding to dishes with little cooking liquid, steep the threads in hot water before using.


Steep threads for 20 minutes in something acidic such as vinegar or lemon juice, or something alcoholic like wine, in order to extract the full flavor, or finely powder the thread by pounding in a mortar and pestle. 1/2 tsp. of threads makes 1/8 tsp. of powder. 1/2 tsp. of threads is generally enough saffron for most dishes.

Saffron imparts a lovely color, strong, sweet aroma, and distinct, bittersweet taste. It's often used in Mediterranean, Arabian, and Indian cooking. You'll find it in French bouillabaisse, Spanish paella, Italian risotto, and Indian pilafs. In England it's combined with dried fruit in yeast cake. Saffron is added to nonalcoholic beverages and is an ingredient in vermouth and bitters. Try it in cheese, egg and fish dishes, marinades, sauces, vinegars and salad dressings, and with grains.

 興雅路Frontier Natural Products, 藏紅花粉調料,0.018盎司(0.5克)合購

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